Conferences & Presentations

I upload all posters and talk slides here - if something is missing feel free to email me.

Undergraduate and graduate student collaborators are highlighted in bold.


Mae, A., & Siew, C. S. Q. (2024, December). Spoken Word Recognition of Malay-Derived Singlish Concepts Among Indonesians Living in Singapore. Poster presented at the Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing Asia (AMLaP Asia). Singapore.

Wong, J. J., & Siew, C. S. Q. (2024, December). A Network Approach to Examine Gender Differences in Word Associations for Singapore English Words. Poster presented at the Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing Asia (AMLaP Asia). Singapore.

Jiang, Z., & Siew, C. S. Q. (2024, December). Word or Character? Investigating Minimal Unit in Chinese Distributional Semantics. Talk presented at the Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing Asia (AMLaP Asia). Singapore.

Jiang, Z., & Siew, C. S. Q. (2024, November). Quantifying Colloquial Language: Word Frequency and Contextual Diversity in Singapore English. Talk presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Society for Computation in Psychology, New York, USA.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2024, November). Chinese Character Network Structure Affects Processing of Single Chinese Characters. Poster presented at the 65th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New York, USA.

Siew, C. S. Q., & Wong, J. J. (2024, November). Citizen Science in A Small World of Singlish Words. Lightning talk and poster presented at the Singapore Open Research Conference 2024, Singapore.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2024, November). Updates from the Small World of Singlish Words Project. Talk presented at the NUS Psychology Brown Bag Series, Singapore.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2024, September). The Mental Lexicon As A Complex Network. Invited talk presented at the Conference for Complex Systems 2024, Exeter, UK.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2024, August). The Mental Lexicon As A Cognitive Network. Guest lecture at Technion, Israel Institute of Technology.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2024, July). Beyond cats and dogs: Memory search in diverse domains of knowledge. Talk presented at CogSci 2024, Rotterdam, Netherlands. [As part of a symposium on “Dynamics of Memory Search”]

Siew, C. S. Q. (2024, July). Tracking Lexical Knowledge of Concepts Unique to Singapore English Among Speakers of Singapore English. Poster presented at CogSci 2024, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2024, July). Chinese Character Network Structure Affects Processing of Single Chinese Characters. Poster presented at CogSci 2024, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2024, June). Landmarks in the Phonological Lexicon Influence Judgments of Phonological Similarity. Paper presented at Virtual MathPsych/ICCM 2024. [As part of a symposium on “Cognitive Network Science”]


Wong, J. J., & Siew, C. S. Q. (2023, November). Word Association Network of English Words Unique to Singapore English. Talk presented at the 1st International Workshop on Cognitive AI (CogAI), Barin, Italy.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2023, November). Language networks as a framework for exploring the mental lexicon. Invited talk presented as part of the Presidential Symposium at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Computation in Psychology, San Francisco, USA.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2023, November). Comparing humor norms of English words across speakers of North American, British, and Singapore English. Talk presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Computation in Psychology, San Francisco, USA.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2023, November). Network Distance and Levenshtein Distance Influence Sound Similarity of Word Pairs in the Phonological Mental Lexicon. Talk presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, San Francisco, USA.

Siew, C. S. Q., (2023, October). Leveraging on Network Analysis to Uncover Mental Lexicon Structure. Invited talk presented at the Institute of Policy Studies' Social Lab Meeting.

Chern, J., Castro, N., & Siew, C. S. Q. (2023, July). Evidence of community structure in phonological networks of various languages. Poster presented at CogSci 2023, Sydney, Australia.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2023, June). Higher L2 Proficiency is Associated with Greater Sensitivity to Distant Connections and Community Structure in the Phonological Lexicon. Talk presented at International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB) 14, Macquarie University, Australia.

Chen, Y., Forbush, K., Swanson, T., Siew, C.S.Q., Hagan, K., Chapa, D., Tregarthen, J., Wildes, J., & Christensen, K. (2023, May). Generalized Network Psychometrics: The Structure of Eating Disorders Is Best Explained By a Hybrid Latent Variable and Network Framework. Talk and poster presented at the convention of Association of Psychological Science. Washington, DC.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2023, March). Measuring the Singaporean Mental Lexicon Through A Word Association Game. Pre-AGM talk presented to the Singapore Psychological Society.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2023, March). Measuring the Singaporean Mental Lexicon Through a Word Association Game. FASS Brown Bag Seminar Series, National University of Singapore, Singapore.


Siew, C. S. Q. (2022, December). The Mental Lexicon As A Cognitive Network: Implications for language processing. Talk presented at Psychology Brown Bag Series, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.

Siew, C. S. Q., Castro, N., & Chern, J. (2022, November). Higher L2 Proficiency is Associated with Greater Sensitivity to Distant Connections and Community Structure in the Phonological Lexicon. Talk presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, USA.

Siew, C. S. Q., & Tan, J. F. (2022, September). Production and perception errors from a speech error corpus reflect the macro- and meso-level structure of the phonological language network. Poster presented at Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP) 28. York, United Kingdom. Online.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2022, June). The Mental Lexicon As A Cognitive Network: Implications for language processing. Talk presented at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2022, May). Quantifying the Structure of the Mental Lexicon Using Network Science. Talk presented at the HUST-NUS Academic Lecture Series. Online

Siew, C. S. Q. (2022, April). The Mental Lexicon As A Cognitive Network: Implications for language processing and acquisition. Talk presented at the James Cook University (Singapore) Brownbag Series, Singapore. Online


Siew, C. S. Q., & Castro, N. (2021, November). Phonological Relatedness Judgments Reflect the Existence of (Somewhat) Distant Connections and Community Structure in the Phonological Lexicon. Poster presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, USA. Online

Siew, C. S. Q., & Castro, N. (2021, October). Long distance connections in the phonological network. Talk presented at CompCog: A satellite symposium of the Conference on Complex Systems 2021. Online.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2021, August). Leveraging on network analysis to uncover mental lexicon structure: Applications for language research. Talk presented at the Global Forum of Computational Social Sciences, NUS, Singapore. Online

Siew, C. S. Q., & Vitevitch, M. S. (2021). An investigation of network growth principles in the phonological language network. Talk presented at the 15th Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language. Philadelphia, PA, USA. Online

Siew, C. S. Q. (2021). Investigating the effect of distance entropy on semantic priming. Poster presented at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Vienna, Austria. Online

Siew, C. S. Q., & Guru, A. (2021). Longitudinal Subject Fluency Networks of Psychology and Biology Students. Poster presented at the 4th Northeast Regional Conference on Complex Systems, Binghamton University, USA. Online


Siew, C. S. Q. (2020, December). Networks in Psychology. Invited talk presented at Reimagine Research: Complexity Science Workshop, Office of the Deputy President, Research and Technology (ODPRT), NUS.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2020, December). Investigating the influence of phonographic similarity structure of language networks on visual lexical decision: Insights from megastudies. Invited talk presented at Complexity and Cognition, Satellite symposium of the Conference on Complex Systems.

Siew, C. S. Q., Castro, N., & Chan, K. Y. (2020). Exploring the Phonological Spaces of the English Lexicon of L1 and L2 Speakers: Insights from Network Analysis. Poster presented at the 61st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society (online).

Siew, C. S. Q. (2020, October). Investigating processes and development of the mental lexicon through network science. Invited online lecture presented at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.

Siew, C. S. Q., Horvath, K., Plunkett, K., & Chow, J. (2020). Sleep and Naps Facilitate Semantic Network Growth. Poster to be presented at the ICIS Biennial Congress. Glasgow, Scotland. Conference postponed to 2021.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2020, July). Quantifying the structure of the mental lexicon using network science. Online talk presented at the Virtual Psycholinguistics Forum, CUHK, Hong Kong.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2020, January). Applications of Network Science to the Cognitive and Language Sciences. Invited talk presented at the Complexity Institute, NTU, Singapore.


Siew, C. S. Q. (2019, November). Feature Distinctiveness Effects in Language Acquisition and Lexical Processing: Insights from Megastudies. Talk presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Montreal, Canada.

Castro, N., Stella, M., & Siew, C. S. Q. (2019, October). Quantifying the interplay of semantics and phonology during failures of word retrieval by people with aphasia using a multiplex lexical network. Parallel session talk presented at the 2019 Conference on Complex Systems. NTU, Singapore.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2019, October). Bigram Humor is Associated with Lower Activation Entropy in a Semantic Network. Ignite talk presented at the 2019 Conference on Complex Systems. NTU, Singapore.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2019, September). Applications of network analysis to education research: Quantifying conceptual representations, modeling learning processes, and developing expertise. Invited talk presented at the Symposium on Networks Applied in Science Education Research. University of Helsinki, Finland.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2019, May). Listen Carefully: Auditory Illusions and Tricks. Pint of Science. Coventry, UK. [Public outreach].

Siew, C. S. Q. (2019, May). The building blocks of humor. Warwick Databeers. University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. [Public outreach].

Siew, C. S. Q. (2019, May). Quantifying the structure of the mental lexicon using network science. 2nd Warwick Postdoctoral Science Symposium. University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2019, March). Using network science to understand the mental lexicon. International Convention of Psychological Science, Paris, France.

Siew, C. S. Q., Engelthaler, T., & Hills, T. T. (2019, March). Humorous Phrases Generator: A Citizen Science Project to Provide Insights into the Mechanisms of Humor. Poster presented at International Convention of Psychological Science, Paris, France.


Siew, C. S. Q. (2018, December). Quantifying the similarity structure of the mental lexicon using network science. Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, UK.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2018, November). Investigating the influence of orthographic and phonological similarity structure of language networks on visual word recognition: Insights from megastudies. Poster presented at the 59th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. New Orleans, Louisiana.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2018, November). Using network science to understand the mental lexicon. Developmental Psychology Seminar. University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2018, September). Using network science to understand the mental lexicon. Bridges Conference on Quantitative Approaches to Language Studies. University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2018, September). Spreading activation in a language network. Language and Learning Away Day. University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2018, September). Investigating the influence of similarity structure of language networks on visual word recognition: Insights from megastudies. Poster presented at AMLaP 2018. Berlin, Germany.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2018, June). Simulating the accumulation of partial activation in the phonological language network. Poster presented at NetSci 2018. Paris, France.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2018, June). Investigating the influence of similarity structure of language networks on visual word recognition: Insights from megastudies. Talk presented at Cognitive Network Science 2018. Paris, France.

Siew, C. S. Q., & Hills, T. T. (2018, June). The “Small World” of Psychology: How do novices and experts represent their conceptual knowledge structure of psychological science? Talk presented at NetSciEd 2018. Paris, France.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2018, May). The influence of closeness centrality on visual word recognition. Talk presented at the International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2018, April). The Small World of Psychology: Exploring the knowledge structure of psychology undergraduates. Talk presented at Data Natives. City University, London.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2018, March). A brief introduction to network analysis. Talk presented to the Engineering Psychology Group, WMG. University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.


Siew, C. S. Q. (2017, November). Using network science to study the orthographic language network of English. Poster presented at the 6th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications. Lyon, France.

Siew, C. S. Q., & Vitevitch, M. S. (2017, November). The Phonographic Network of Language: Using Network Science to Investigate the Phonological and Orthographic Similarity Structure of Language. Poster presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Vancouver, Canada.

Chan, K. Y., & Siew, C. S. Q. (2017, November). Dynamics of Lexical Competition during Foreign-Accented Word Recognition. Poster presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Vancouver, Canada.

Covey, L., Girolamo, T., Siew, C. S. Q., Weyers, I., Yang, X., Vogt-Woodin, A., Coughlin, C., & Minai, U. (2017, November). Examining the role of pragmatics during children’s comprehension of only: An eye-tracking study. Poster to be presented at the 42nd Boston University Conference on Language Development. Boston, MA.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2017, October). Language and Network Science. Talk presented at the Language and Learning Seminar. University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2017, June). The phonographic network of language. Paper presented at Cognitive Network Science 2017. Indianapolis, IN.


Siew, C. S. Q., & Vitevitch, M. S. (2016, November). The Influence of Orthographic Clustering Coefficient in Visual Word Recognition. Poster presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Boston, MA.

Castro, N., Siew, C. S. Q., & McCartney, M. J. (2016, November). H.M. in the Flesh or as a Cartoon: The Influence of Video Type on Learning and Test Performance. Poster presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Boston, MA.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2016, May). The Brain Drakes Sometimes: An Analysis of Crowdsourced Speech Errors. Poster presented at the 28th APS Annual Conference. Chicago, IL.

Siew, C. S. Q., & McCartney, M. J. (2016, May). Predictors of Performance in General Psychology. Poster presented at the 28th APS Annual Conference, Teaching Institute. Chicago, IL.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2016, May). Strategies for Classroom Discussion: Examples from PSYC 104. Poster presented at C21 (21st Century Course Redesign Consortium). University of Kansas.


Siew, C. S. Q., & Vitevitch, M. S. (2015, November). The influence of network density on spoken word recognition. Poster presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Chicago, IL.

Covey, L., Coughlin, C., Martinez-Garcia, M., Johnson, A., Yang, X., Siew, C. S. Q., Major, T., Fiorentino, R. (2015, October). An ERP investigation of the role of prediction and individual differences in semantic priming. Poster presented at the 7th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language. Chicago, IL.

Siew, C. S. Q., & Vitevitch, M. S. (2015, September). The influence of network density on spoken word recognition. Cognitive and Brain Sciences Proseminar: Graduate Student Data Blitz. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.

Forbush, K. T., Siew, C. S. Q., & Vitevitch, M. S. (2015, September). Application of network analysis to identify causal systems of bulimic symptoms. Paper presented at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Eating Disorder Research Society. Taormina, Sicily.

Siew, C. S. Q., & Vitevitch, M. S. (2015, April). Spoken word recognition and serial recall of words from components in the phonological network. Child Language Proseminar. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.


Siew, C. S. Q., & Vitevitch, M. S. (2014, June). Spoken word recognition and serial recall of words from components in the phonological network. Universitat Politècnia de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.

Siew, C. S. Q. (2014, June). Community structure in the phonological network. Universitat Politècnia de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.

Siew, C. S. Q., & Vitevitch, M. S. (2014, March). Learning new words: Preferential attachment or preferential acquisition? Graduate Student Research Competition. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.


Siew, C. S. Q. (2013, November). Community structure in the phonological network. Cognitive Psychology Proseminar. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.

Siew, C. S. Q., & Vitevitch, M. S. (2013, March). Using human vocalizations to estimate group size. Graduate Student Research Competition. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.


Siew, C. S. Q., Yap, M. J., & Goh, W. D. (2012, August). Investigating the locus of the word frequency effect in spoken word recognition. Paper presented at the 34th Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Sapporo, Japan.